Saturday 12 March 2011

What Are the Stages and Symptoms of Male Pattern Baldness and What Can You Do About It?

If you're a man chances are high that you will experience some form of balding, in fact around 50 percent of men, statistically, will experience some form of baldness in their lives. Men's balding is commonly the product of a condition called male pattern baldness or male pattern balding. How do you recognize the signs of male pattern baldness and what are its stages?

Pattern baldness in men is an inherited condition which predisposes you to some degree of thinning hair. Hair thinning in men progresses gradually from the point where it is virtually unnoticeable right through for some to complete baldness. It usually starts with a slightly receding hairline at the front.

Often the man is experiencing thinning hair on the crown of his head however at this stage this is unnoticeable whereas the receding hairline will become noticeable. As the receding hairline progresses it will become quite clear that the man is suffering from some form of advancing balding and at this stage it may also become noticeable that he is developing a bald spot on the crown of his head.

Gradually the baldness in both places advances until, in all likelihood, he develops a complete bald spot on the crown of the head. By this stage the receding hairline should be well developed and gradually the 2 grow together until they join up to produce baldness from the front to the crown of the head.

This may then advance to the point where the man becomes bald right through the top of his head with only a horse shoe of hair around the back and sides.

This is a description of the general progression and signs of male pattern baldness. Whether whether it applies to you if you have the condition is unknown until it develops fully. Many men suffer much less from baldness than what is described or suffer from baldness in a different progression or pattern. However this is a fair description of the general process of male pattern balding.

Fortunately the cause of baldness in men is known. The male hormone DHT derived from testosterone slowly limits the capacity of hair follicles to take up essential nutrients. This results in the follicle shrinking, the hair shrinking and thinning and premature death, and this hair will not be replaced sufficiently with new healthy hair.

Fortunately there are now FDA approved hair loss treatments. There are 2 treatments approved for men. One of these is called minoxidil which operates, so it is thought, by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicle. This allows the follicle an increased supply of nutrients thereby reversing the nutrient deficit and this is thought to be the major effect of minoxidil at affecting hair regrowth.

One company has recognized that using minoxidil on its own is not as effective as supplying a wide range of essential hair nutrients by way of oral supplements at the same time. If minoxidil operates to increase the flow of blood to the hair follicle then supplying all the essential hair nutrients that that follicle needs for optimum health increases the chances of successful hair regrowth.

The other product approved by the FDA is finasteride marketed as Propecia which also has been shown to be effective as a hair loss treatment however has some side-effects for men limiting sex drive which can obviously be a problem. However studies show that finasteride works as well.

Neither product works for everybody however would take from 6 months to preferably 12 months before any significant hair regrowth is observed and before anyone can decide if the product is working for them.

Tag :  male pattern baldness,stages,symptoms

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