Sunday 13 March 2011

Male Pattern Baldness - Symptoms and Treatments You Should Keep in Mind

Our hair is made of keratin, a protein that also is found in nails and the outer layer of our skin. The average adult has 100 thousand strands of hair on his head. it is normal to lose about 50-100 strands every day. Old hair falls out so the new ones can grow out of the follicle. However, various factors ranging from genes, hormones and stress can lead to loss that occurs suddenly and excessively.

Hair loss is experienced by men and women of all ages. The type of baldness most common is male pattern baldness (androgenetic alopecia). The causes are associated with genes, hormones and age.
Another type of baldness including auto-immune condition known as pattern baldness and a patchy hair loss (alopecia areata), temporary hair loss (telogen effluvium), compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania) and traction alopecia.

Signs and Symptoms
Male pattern baldness is the most common baldness in men which can also occur in some women. In this type of baldness, hair loss is usually gradual. Pattern baldness is different between men and women.

In addition to male pattern baldness, there are several other types of conditions.
i. Patchy hair loss (alopecia areata): In this condition, baldness bererapa field suddenly appeared. Emotional factors are some of the drivers. When recovering from stress, hair loss usually stops or slows down. However, the situation could become serious in which the head and body hair may fall out (alopecia totalis).

ii. Temporary hair loss (telogen effluvium): This causes a number of hairs falling out suddenly for a few days. This can be caused by severe stress, childbirth, severe illness, surgery and some medications. As the name implies, the effect is usually temporary. However the recovery may take a year or longer depending on the cause.

iii. Compulsive hair pulling (trichotillomania): This causes the hair and usually broken tidka to cause damage to the scalp. This usually occurs in children and women and is associated with a psychological cause. If not stopped, it can cause permanent hair loss.
iv. Traction alopecia is caused by some hairstyles such as a ponytail, bun, or braid that exert constant pressureon the scalp.

Genes (heredity)
This cause determines whether a person will have male pattern baldness or not.

Androgens play a role in male pattern baldness. These same hormones encourage the growth of pubic hair, armpits and face during puberty. People with male pattern baldness may have a level of male hormones are the same as normal people, but these hormones to accumulate in certain areas on their heads and causing the hair follicles there setbacks.

Most women avoid this baldness because they produce less androgens, and because the female hormone, astrogen can fight the effects of male hormones. However, women who produce too much androgen may have the same problem. Other hormones, such as that produced by the thyroid gland, can also affect your hair. For example, too much or too little thyroid hormone from the gland can cause baldness.

Sudden stress can also promote baldness half / incomplete or temporary baldness. Temporary hair loss can also be driven by the stress after the birth or the loss of a beloved person.

Medical Conditions
Some drugs, such as anti-coagulant, anti-depressants, anti-thyroid drugs used in chemotherapy, can cause baldness. Most vitamin A also has the same effect.

inappropriate Hair Care
Choosing a hairstyle that makes the hair from the scalp tight can cause your hair to turn brittle and broken. Broken hair can also be caused by shampooing too frequently and the use of excessive chemicals, such as dyes, bleach and permanent curling.

Treatment and Prevention
It is important to know the main cause before treatment. Most conditions are temporary and can be restored if the main causes of such stress are lost. However, male pattern baldness may have a permanent effect. Recently, medical science has made progress in helping the people regrow their hair.

Two types of drugs now available to help prevent severe male pattern baldness. Finasteride and minoxidil works by stimulating new growth of hair in the follicle. Finasterise against the effects of the hormone testosterone. These drugs are only available by prescription and are only allowed to be used in men. They are not recommended for women because they can cause birth defects. Finasteride can take several months to show any effects.

Another drug, minoxidil is available in stores. It's used on the scalp and works against the decline of the follicle caused by hormones. However, not everyone responds to this drug, and even those who do respond don't see any tangible results for several months.

Alopecia areata is often treated with steroid injections in the affected scalp area. While problems underlying the scalp such as tinea capitis (fungal infection) should be treated appropriately with medical care. Causes of telogen effluvium may need professional guidance from a psychiatrist. Causes like childbirth usually take under a year for women to recover.

Tag : male pattern baldness,symptoms ,treatments

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