Saturday 4 June 2011

Could Learning All About Male Pattern Baldness Prevent Permanent Hair Loss Down the Road?

Learning all about male pattern baldness is a good place to start if you are experiencing hair loss or balding simply because it is the most common cause of hair loss. The appearance of advanced male pattern baldness in men is unmistakable while in women this condition takes on a subtler appearance. In all about male pattern baldness we will explore the causes of this common condition and provide you with some information on how to slow and possibly reverse the balding process.

pattern baldness is also known as androgenetic alopecia and is best described as an inherited, hormone lined condition which can come from either side of a person's family tree. For those genetically predisposed to the condition, when testosterone comes in contact with enzymes residing in the hair cell a conversion that will impact your future appearance is starting to take place; the conversion of testosterone to the many times more powerful dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Once the conversion takes place a binding process follows with DHT fastening to receptors deep within the hair follicle.

The common perception of male pattern baldness is that it begins at some point and quickly produces visible
hair loss. This could not be further from the truth. In fact the incubation period in some people could be as long as 10 or 12 years before signs of balding are noticed, and even then it might be so subtle that a person simply might mistake it for poor hair care or poor nutrition.

The long lead time before balding and/or thinning starts to become obvious has to do with the gradual buildup of DHT. Over time an excess buildup of DHT causes devastating changes in the hair follicles to occur with some dying, while others are simply rendered incapable of producing new growth. Once follicles are no longer able to produce new
hairs balding and/or thinning is inevitable. Another factor that makes male pattern baldness so stealthy is the massive number of follicles (100,000) that cover the scalp. Initially a few follicles lost is much like a tree falling in the middle of the forest; no one notices.

But if enough trees fall all of the sudden it will be recognized and questions will start to be asked as to why. Let's do a little fuzzy
hair math to drive home our point. Let's say over a 5 year period you lose only an extra 50 hair per day, that would be about 91,250 hairs lost or over 9 percent of your total population of hair. If this loss was concentrated in a specific area, such as on the crown, without a doubt you would start to notice the impact. Over a 10 year period you will have lost about 20 percent of your hair and the appearance of your hair likely will have changed forever. As a person learns all about male pattern baldness one thing becomes obvious, early recognition and action are paramount to avoiding dramatic balding over time.

What Next? There are currently a few hair re-growth products which have been proven effective in both in blocking harmful hormones and bringing the all important dead hair follicles back to life. These specially formulated products can be used both as a preventative tool, starting before hair loss becomes severe, or after loss of hair has become noticeable. Whatever the level of balding or thinning you are experiencing these products could be just what is needed to overcome this latest life challenge.

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